We have a stander!

| Sunday, October 5, 2008 | |

He went from a week ago showing no signs of pulling up, except maybe a few failed attempts and falling over to pulling up on EVERYTHING this week. I thought for sure he was just never going to do it, now I'm regretting ever wanting him to! But I will take it, my first one did everything so early at least this one is staying a baby too!

We are also getting teeth, 2 teeth on the top that just havent popped through and his poor little gums are just swollen and you can feel the bumps. I actually resorted to giving him tylenol last night, tonight we tried motrin. He just cries and cries. I hate doing it but obviously he's in some pain. :(


The Tabernacle Gym Says:
October 8, 2008 at 10:13 PM

awwwww look at him go!!!! C is NO where close to pulling up!!!! He's so so cute!