Not me Monday

| Monday, October 6, 2008 | |
Stole this idea from my friend kerry that got it off another blog. Click the banner on the left there if you want to join!

Yesterday I DID NOT not make dinner for my child and go get fried chicken because I can eat on and not cook for 2 days at least.

I DID NOT let my child watch tv all day so I could just be depressed and sit around all day

I DID NOT put the kids to bed an hr early so I could get an hr more of "me time" (dont worry it didnt last long and I paid for it later b/c Landon was up at 11pm)

I DID NOT just put a pullup on my kid b/c I'm tired of him peeing in the floor constantly

I DID NOT give my child tylenol last night not just because he's teething but in hopes that he would sleep longer b/c I gave it to him.

Honestly I've been wondering how single parents do it. I mean honestly I think it would be easier if I had a job, so I could GET AWAY. I love my kids to death I do but at least when my husband is here if I want to, even if I dont, I have the option to just walk away from situations. Landon is teething its 2 teeth at once and he's been a living nightmare. Not to mention he just learned how to pull up on the side of his crib and he just pulls up and stands there and screams as soon as I shut the bedroom door. He wont let me rock him to sleep, he wont sleep when I lay him down anymore. I'm not even sure what to do
And Andrew, regressing so much on potty training. I'm sure because his daddy has been gone for 4 days now.
I'm so depressed and lonely, I am trying so hard to keep myself busy but on top of being stressed about the kids I just miss my husband. And I never thought I'd say that but I do. Apparently I am not the independent strong person I had perceived myself as. I am needy and pathetic.

Oh and I am NOT getting a cold or flu or something

The end!


Chris, Kerry, and Riley Says:
October 6, 2008 at 9:01 PM

I could've typed your post minus the Landon part LOL I feel ya though!

Michelle Says:
October 6, 2008 at 10:23 PM

I hear ya sista!!! McKenna's had a cold/fever last week,Flu/fever since saturday night..

Unknown Says:
October 7, 2008 at 9:52 AM

OMG I think I wrote your post- SERIOUSLY---- the exact same situation here. Sending you lots of hugs- wish I could make things better. Sounds like we need to move in together! LMBO!!!

The Tabernacle Gym Says:
October 8, 2008 at 10:12 PM

Aww K, I'm so sorry. This is Nacle btw. I can't imagine how hard it must be for your dh not to be there. It's hard for me when my dh works nights so I can't even imagine him being gone all.the.time. C sleeps like total crap too if it makes you feel better. Hugs girl!

M.Yeager Says:
October 10, 2008 at 5:05 PM

haha you are too funny kristen!