Toilet bowl bandit

| Thursday, October 23, 2008 | |
That's what L is, any time the bathroom door is open he's off to go in there and try to get into the toilet bowl. It's his mission! I dont know what he plans on doing once he gets to the toilet bowl, I think he just wants to play in the water. I almost cant keep up with him these days he's so fast! Amazing those big ole thighs can move so fast!

Is anyone looking??

AHAH! Caught! (dont worry everything was clean and the baby was cleaned after the taking of this pic!)

Andrew is starting to get SO big, I put some jeans on him today and they fit, where they did need cuffed when I bought them :(

And a couple pics of silly L in the bath today, he LOVES the bath, loves the splashing. Amazing I have two little water lovers that sprang from me, a water hater. Yes i only bathe my poor child in mere inches of water (maybe it's the water hater in me)!

And for your viewing pleasure a video of the bath and Andrew's "potty candy dance"

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Allison Says:
October 23, 2008 at 7:36 PM

Ok, I think that confirms it. Landon is perfect for Jenna. Now, I'll just let you and JM battle over the wedding photos. :)