TADA--He walks!

| Saturday, December 27, 2008 | |
Landon has been walking like crazy since this evening, usually we do this go to mommy go to daddy thing about 2-3 times a week...he's never interested. Either just stands there or crawls off. He only "walks" between things...a few steps here and there, but he stands really well all on his own. I think it's the bubble butt, gives him great balance LOL

Today he took I'd say about 10-15 steps at one time all on his own! Soooo I got out the video camera and caught him at the tail end of him wanting to walk, he was tired but I made him do it anyhow. I like how he just falls on you when he gets close LOL Andrew used to to do that too! I must say, for such a new walker, he's much better than Andrew was! Andrew was very off balance, but L is much more sure of how to fall if he needs to, or how to steady himself! BIG BOY! :(

Please excuse my 3 yr old running around in his undies!

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Cassi Says:
December 29, 2008 at 10:15 AM

I can't believe L is walking!! He's growing up so fast! I love the video of the boys playing in the tent too! Cutest thing EVER!!

Janeen Says:
January 4, 2009 at 3:07 PM

What a cute little walker!! He really does seem so confident!

LC Says:
January 14, 2009 at 12:46 PM

His thighs are deelish!!! What a cutie!