We are gearing up here for Landon's first birthday :( I cant even believe he's going to be 1! I dont want to think about it!
Anyhow, the theme is barnyard animals :) And I had some pants knit for him before I started knitting, they are coming this week! And I am making him a matching top and 1st b-day banner!
On top of that I'm
Knitting socks
Knitting some longies
making a pillow for Cassi's son (this is almost done)
making a custom tee
knitting another headband because I'm in LOVE with mine
Think I'm an ADD crafter? Yeah I am LOL
Here's my crafts I finished this month!
My longies finally finished
A sneaky peek for Cassi--the shorts still need a drawsting!
Andrew is learning to draw people and things--it's totally cute! He plays with his magnadoodle A LOT these days!
Here's some pics of his drawings!
this was "dinosaur"
A car--I can totally see it
and a monster
I'm so impressed with how well he does the eyes! And he can now draw the letters L, C, A and O! I am working on him trying to do his name so maybe that will be soon! He's also starting to "read"--mainly he memorizes things that I read to him I think but hey, it's a step! I think I will get hooked on phonics to work with him on.
We signed up for next year's preschool class! I'm super excited, they do a ton of "sit down" work next year and it's more like school than his 2 yr old class (even though he's 3) is this year! They also asked me if I wanted to work there--L would be 18 mo and go to school there too but I'm just not sure! We kind of wanted to have another baby so I guess I will see where we are with that! It's probably a great opportunity for both boys, and I love that i'd be RIGHT there all day--I know I'm a hovering parent LOL
Here's Landon pimpin the computer and cell phone like mommy!
Posting to a message board I'm sure "that biatch said WHAT about my mama!?!" (he's all about the drama)
He's saying more words---he now says:
Mama (his recent fav again!)
baba (which I thought was mama but apparently not he says both now--I think it's bottle--which officially was tubby's first word then LOL)
get me
bye bye
my daddy
cat (I have NO idea, but I did read him a cat book once)
And he walks across the living room occasionally---I cant believe he's taking so long to full on walk, he's driving me insane! He's been standing on his own and taking steps since like 9 mo old now! He just doesnt pick up his feet, he's getting better daily though!
January 30, 2009 at 6:45 PM
LOL at Landon and the laptop!!! That is too cute and funny. And that is completely how kids begin reading - mostly by memorizing repeatable books that they "know." So that is a good step!! Also, they will pick out signs and start to "read" them (such as McDonalds, Target, cereal boxes, etc..)This is called environmental print and is a great way to start teaching letters and sounds. :)
January 31, 2009 at 11:16 PM
You are a crafting queen! I can't believe Landon is almost a year!!! And Andrew's drawing is fantastic!
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