Last night...i Dyed

| Monday, January 5, 2009 | |
LOL Literally I wanted to dye everything in my house. But instead I settled for some bamboo velour, some prefolds for Rachael and a skein of yarn.

Turned out pretty good---now if I could figure out what to make with them..hmmmm

These will be prefitteds I'm making for rachael: the newborn ones are SO TEENY! So cute!

Yarn: not sure if I like it but I dyed it so I better huh? :)

1 1/2 yds of bamboo velour SO YUMMY--cant wait to make something with this!

Landon is in teethng hell or something---I'm afraid he may have an ear infection, but no other signs of being sick. Except the CONSTANT WHINING! It's keeling me!
But he was pretty cute yesterday! It was cold so we broke out the sweater --yes ONE sweater we have! And the hat I think is too small darnit! I love that hat!
And the shoes are too small now too--he's between a 4 and a 5 I think! BIG FOOT!

Not happy mom!

last week :( When he was still happy :(

Andrew has been watching me take pictures and apparently this is what's wrong with my photographer--OH you're not supposed to put your hand on the lens! that's right! OOPS!
