Happy end of weekend!

| Sunday, November 21, 2010 | |
While all of ya'll are so sad the weekend is over, the weekend never means anything to me. Since my husband works all the time, and I cannot remember the last time he had a weekend off, there's no such thing as Monday at my house. I won't lie, I'm a little bitter, can you tell? I can't stand to read things like "YAY it's Friday, cant wait for the weekend" and "spending time with the family this weekend" It seems like we NEVER get family time anymore :( It was not always like this. Before we had Landon, his work schedule was normal. But it's progressively gotten to where we just no longer see him. I know it could be MUCH MUCH worse, we are very thankful that he is home every night. I could not deal very well with that, and I sympathize for women with their husbands overseas, or traveling all the time.

ANYHOW, we spent the weekend cleaning (some) and knitting (lots) and playing (lots)

I finished the overalls! (pics were taken before the buttons were sewn on)

CUTE buttons by Tessa Ann!

And a girly sweater!

That's about it! I'm excited for Thanksgiving this week. Now I get to go do a ton of laundry! Happy end of the weekend :)