Toddler drawings

| Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | 5 comments |

These always crack me up, I dunno what's going through his head but the kid loves to draw!

Nothing exciting here, well Landon started "real" crawling today! He's been taking 1-3 steps up on his hands and knees for WEEKS now, and he has army crawled since he was 5 months but he's finally getting up on his hands and knees and taking off. He also pulls up on things and falls on his butt but today he thought oh I'll just walk away. He doesnt understand the concept that he CANT walk yet and he falls down :( poor kiddo.

Here's a little video of the crawling, it's so dark and grainy. I think for my birthday I'm asking for a nice video camera.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

I must have done something REALLY good

| Saturday, September 27, 2008 | 0 comments |

To be sooo blessed with such gorgeous loving happy children. I'm posting this picture to remind me how very blessed I am :) And that apparently I did something REALLY good!

They play so well together, I know it wont last forever but for now, they are completely head over heals in love with each other and I love watching them interact together. Andrew is so gentle and patient with Landon sometimes you'd swear he wasnt 3. Someday he will be an awesome father :)

Banana consumption in style

| Friday, September 26, 2008 | 1 comments |

That's right, around here we are so fancy even the kids eat bananas in martini glasses.

Not much went on today, getting ready for a maternity shoot this weekend and today was DH's birthday! WOOHOO! We went to Genghis Grill (fancy schmancy) and then walked around the mall (yeah and it wasnt MY birthday either) and did some other shopping. He wants a TV so bad he drools, I guess someday I will have to give in and let him get one. Even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with ours.

It's true

| Thursday, September 25, 2008 | 2 comments |

And I can no longer deny it. Patrick Dempsey is really my luvr and this is a picture of us in bed. And that's my real body, and those really are my noonies, and they are real. What can I say, I was blessed

:) :)

Cant wait for GA to start tonight! Counting down the hrs & mins!

After school snack

| Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | 0 comments |
And we are home, all is well. My hungry eating machine wanted a snack. He didnt have any accidents at school 2 times in a row now so we are super happy!

And momarazzi struck while he was eating his snack and playing his leapster.

He colored his nose, deliberately colored his nose b/c he wanted to be blues clues ROFL. I swear he's the only kid that comes out of there covered from head to toe in markers. Probably because I dont let him have them at home after my entire wall got a pretty red mural, along w/ my floor, bed and new bedding.

Ah this is pretty much preschooler heaven here!

I'm beginning to hate Wednesdays

Wednesdays are the days that Andrew goes to school. Already the day is shot by having to run around to get ready in the morning and get him there in time.
This morning starts out fairly normal, Andrew eating his daily breakfast of oatmeal and fruit, watching Super Why. Andrew then running into Landon's room to wake him up way before I was going to. THEN we tried to get dressed, Andrew has this telling me "no" thing going on lately. It's driving me up the walls.

"Ok Andrew come on lets get dress"

"Nooooo" runs from me...

"Come on Andrew we're going to school dont you want to go play at the playground"


"Are you sre all your friends are there, come on you gotta get dressed! You cant go to school naked"


As you can see this goes nowhere and eventually it leads to a fit/mommy having to hold him down to get him it starts. ACK, save me from my 3 yr old! He used to be so good, this is what I get for having such an easy baby.

So we get to school, late...he kicks off his shoes before I get him out of his carseat. I have to put Landon back in his carseat, put A's shoes on--of course we wore the ever hard to get back on slip on converse, get him into the school in which he throws himself on the floor and screams NO NO NO (Everyone staring at me) I dont even know what to do. On one hand I know he needs school specifically BECAUSE he's being like that, I dont want to pull him out and show him that it's ok to just stop doing things when you dont want to do them. On the other hand, what a nightmare. Poor baby :( He's fine once he gets into the class and can no longer see me, so that makes me feel better about it, but it breaks my heart. He's at such a rough patch in life, testing, trying, making mommy want to rip out her ovaries.

Anyhow, so I get home, Landon plays for a while and I put him down. I realize the dogs have chewed up, no destroyed a Born Free bottle (not cheap) Lovely
My house is a wreck but I'd rather sit here and blog about how crappy the morning has been LOL Ok I better get to cleaning :)

POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT WED (To make me feel better)
* My house usually stays clean while A is at school
* Andrew brings home cute pics and talks about his day
* I get to spend more 1 on 1 time w/ Landon
* The house is QUIET!

For some REAL blogging fun

| Tuesday, September 23, 2008 | 0 comments |
I can never fun blog on my photography blog, cant let clients see that I am not a normal person! so here is my FUN blog

Today we got some NEXT in, and some Boden. Boys did a little fashion show for me!

Landon in some NEXT :)

And Andrew in some new duds!

Andrew is OBSESSED w/ Pingu!

And soccer, he loves soccer too :)